“Retrieved & “Gifted” UFOs the U.S. Government Has in Possession

By KEN KORCZAK Does the United States possess a crashed or fully intact “UFOs” that are not of human construction or origin? The answer is almost certainly “Yes.” That’s according to several well-placed, serious and credentialed scientists, intelligence operatives with high-security clearances, key figures in the corporate sector, legal field and former military personnel. Yes, … Read more

Did CIA Vet “Encode” True UFO Info Into Science Fiction Novel?

By KEN KORCZAK Let me start by revealing the “secret sauce” that purports to make The Cryptos Conundrum special and quite unlike any other standard science fiction book. It was written by long-time CIA operative Chase Brandon. He said he opted to write a book of fiction because he can’t publish the factual book he would like … Read more

Top Scientists Who Hid Their UFO & Alien Contact Secrets for Decades

BY KEN KORCZAK The number of mainstream scientists coming forward and breaking their silence about their encounters with UFOs and alien beings is growing — slowly — but growing, nevertheless. Researchers & professors now speaking out is a trend that’s lifting the taboo toxicity associated with “Anything UFO” out of the “fringe.” Historically, scientists who wanted to keep their … Read more

Alien Languages: An Attorney’s Groundbreaking Investigation Into Possible ET Language Forms

Book Review by KEN KORCZAK Just when you think that most UFO books today have grown monotone, repetitive and grasping for new relevancy, along comes an author with a refreshing angle to explore an intriguing niche of ufology no one else has significantly covered. In How to Talk to an Alien, NANCY DU TERTRE takes on … Read more

Adventures in Consciousness: I Travel to Denisova Cave in the Year 40,000 B.C.

This is the true story of how I projected my consciousness back to 40,000 B.C. to a cave in Siberia and the home of Neanderthals, Denisovans, Homo Sapiens & hybrids human beings. By KEN KORCZAK In this episode of my ongoing series, “Adventures in Consciousness,” I am going to describe my attempt to project my … Read more

Adventures in Lucid Dreaming: My dream Guide: “Mr. Lamp”

An aerospace industry communications specialist describes his experiments with lucid dreaming and out-of-body travel By KEN KORCZAK The Adventures in Lucid Dreaming account I’m going to relate to you today comes out of intensive experiments and explorations I began in the early 1990s when I was a graduate student at the Center for Aerospace Sciences … Read more

Adventures in Consciousness: ET Reptilian Contact

After capturing an image of a reptilian extraterrestrial being while practicing orb photography, I embarked on an unstoppable mission to contact this entity By KEN KORCZAK I am now going to tell you about a long-term “Adventures in Consciousness” project I have been working on diligently for more than two years. It’s one of several … Read more

The Crashed UFO Photo

A high-profile attorney gains access to Project Blue Book classified files and finds a photograph of a crashed UFO By KEN KORCZAK In my previous article, I discussed two top government scientists who revealed, in no uncertain terms, that the U.S. is in possession of UFOs obtained both by way of crash retrievals and crafts that … Read more