Did Neanderthal Culture & Religion “Invisibly” Carry Over Into Our Modern Society? We Know Their DNA Did

By KEN KORCZAK Controversial British psychologist Stan Gooch was years ahead of his time— but what did he get wrong about Neanderthals? Has Stan Gooch been vindicated? I think the short answer is yes. Of course, it’s more complex than that. There should be little doubt that when scientists finally confirmed through DNA analysis that … Read more

Dark Matter Monsters: Exotic Energy Physics Might Show That Bigfoot is Real

By KEN KORCZAK A sociologist makes his case that coherent matter, neutrinos, cold fusion effects and more create conditions that allow paranormal events to arise I have been waiting a long time for a book just like this one: Dark Matter Monsters. That’s because sociologist Simeon Hein Ph.D. has finally developed a solid, plausible and scientifically well-argued solution … Read more

Reptilian Encounter of Michigan Woman a Relentlessly Weird Story

By KEN KORCZAK Author Nancy Tremaine has solid witnesses, historical records and key data points to bolster her claims of lifetime alien and reptilian alien interactions. * * * *  THE LATE journalist Jim Marrs, who wrote bestselling books about UFOs and sundry conspiracy theories, described something he called the “mental boggle point.” That’s the point when … Read more

The Physicist and the Dead

By KEN KORCZAK SIR OLIVER LODGE was a top-tier scientist of his day. His legacy stands on the edge of greatness. If he wasn’t in the genius league of, say, a Max Planck or a Michael Faraday, he was a figure of historic significance in the field of experimental physics. His work with syntonics (we call … Read more

UFO of God & Synchronisity

By KEN KORCZAK When Chris Bledsoe came out with his long-promised UFO encounter book, my first notion was to take a pass. I have heard his remarkable story elsewhere numerous times over the past years. Bledsoe has made himself available for multiple interviews across many webcast platforms. However — I am glad I did not take … Read more

A UFO Manifesto: The Phenomenon Evolves

By KEN KORCZAK “The most we can do is dream the myth outward and give it a modern dress.” — Carl Gustav Jung That quote by the great Swiss psychologist Carl Jung crashed into my mind as I was reading For All We Know: A UFO Manifesto. It’s Mike Fiorito’s latest book, which in many ways, defies … Read more

Ingo Swann & the Physics of the BVM (Blessed Virgin Mary)

By KEN KORCZAK INGO SWANN died in 2013 and holds a significant and iconoclastic space in fringe culture — but also increasingly in mainstream scientific circles. The latter includes those who are willing to acknowledge his unique contribution. He is known today as “The Father of Remote Viewing.” Will this title in the future be … Read more

UFOs & Nukes: A Medical Doctor’s Impassioned Plea to Ban Nukes and Disclose UFO Reality

By KEN KORCZAK Here is what I suggest you do first: Zoom in on the book cover pictured at right until it fills your entire screen. Next, put your nose up to your screen so that your whole vision is filled with the roiling nuclear blast that is engulfing that poor city in the near … Read more

Live Streaming the Universe: How to Use Your Brain Like a Modem

By KEN KORCZAK How would you like the ability to livestream all knowledge existent in the Universe? You can. It can be accomplished similarly to how anyone today might use a computer to tap into the internet and the cloud to download and live-stream information. To connect with all existent universal knowledge — you don’t … Read more

The Last Man of an Ancient Culture

By KEN KORCZAK Author’s note: About 25 years ago, I placed a classified ad in several small-town newspapers here in conservative, rural northern Minnesota. Here is what the ad said: “Have you seen a UFO, ghost, or anything you can’t explain? Please call me: 555-5555. Confidentiality guaranteed.” Not all the calls I received from my … Read more