Ingo Swann & the Physics of the BVM (Blessed Virgin Mary)

Ingo Swann and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Photo at left from back cover of Swann’s book, PENETRATION.


INGO SWANN died in 2013 and holds a significant and iconoclastic space in fringe culture — but also increasingly in mainstream scientific circles. The latter includes those who are willing to acknowledge his unique contribution. He is known today as “The Father of Remote Viewing.”

Will this title in the future be on par with, say, Michael Faraday known as “the Father of Electricity” or Max Planck as “The Father of Quantum Physics?” It may be so.

That’s because remote viewing may one day be recognized as one of the most important developments in the study of human consciousness. When you think about it, the fact that any human being can remote view at all bears Earth-shattering implications.

If the mainstream scientific community evolves to embrace remote reviewing as “real,” it will do for psychology, philosophy and consciousness theory what the Copernican Revolution did for astronomy–or for what quantum theory did to shake up classical, Newtonian physics. The reality of Remote viewing strikes at the heart of the notion that human consciousness is generated from inside the material gray matter of the human brain.

I should say that Ingo Swann was not entirely comfortable with his legacy as The Father of Remote Viewing. He maintained that the RV was the work of “hundreds of people.” Indeed, Swann declined to accept ownership of the legal copyright of the CRV (Coordinate Remote Viewing) manual developed at SRI, the Stanford Research Institute. He believed remote viewing “belonged to humanity.”

Since Ingo’s death in 2013, remote viewing had slowly continued to gather momentum and acceptance. I’ll stop with the discussion of remote viewing here, but no article involving Ingo Swann should fail to acknowledge the historic significance of his contribution to science.


Ingo Swann was essentially an artist by trade — foremost a painter. It could be said his work for the CIA on the secret psychic spying program was ancillary to his artistic pursuits. In addition to creating art on canvas, Swann had keen ambitions to be accepted as a mainstream author. He struggled to gain traction for his literary pursuits, however.

A fellow psychic, the famous Uri Geller (who was much better at marketing himself than Ingo), decried the fact that Swann’s manuscripts were “ignored by publishers.” Geller said of Swann:

“If you were blind and a man appeared who could teach you to see with mind power, you would revere him as a guru.”

Swann resorted to self-publishing his partially autobiographical, PENETRATION, after it was summarily rejected by every publisher he sent it to. (See my review of Penetration HERE). In unfortunate conspiracy theory fashion, Swann believed it was the explosive nature of the information in Penetration that caused it to be blacklisted by powerful governmental censorship mechanism — or maybe even some deeper quasi-governmental psyops group.

I use the term “unfortunate conspiracy theory” because I think anyone who reads Penetration can understand why this book was roundly rejected. The first part of Penetration is wild and riveting, but the latter part contains scads of utter nonsense about the moon. Ingo was a brilliant pioneer and innovative thinker, but he sometimes veered precipitously into the weeds.


At any rate, today I’m looking at his book exploring the history of Marian apparitions, THE GREAT APPARITIONS OF MARY.

I’ll say at the outset that it’s an absorbing, fascinating read — perhaps mostly because of the subject matter — but also because of the unique person who wrote it.

I can’t think of a better person than Ingo Swann to bring a fresh perspective to this vexing, extraordinary centuries-old phenomenon. Ingo’s viewpoint is not ensnared by any religious or theological influence. Ingo was one of the few people on the planet who could look upon Marian apparitions as an aspect of something much larger and more mysterious.

It is significant to note should that Ingo was not the first to recognize that Marian apparitions might be something other than merely an artifact of that peculiar brand of Catholic pantheism.

The astronomer, computer scientist and famous ufologist Jacques Vallée devoted an entire chapter to Marian apparitions in his 1975 book, The Invisible College. He called the phenomenon, “the physics of the B.V.M.” — the physics of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Vallée wrote:

“We are faced with a technology that transcends the physical and is capable of manipulating our reality, generating a variety of altered states of consciousness and emotional perceptions. The B.V.M. may dress in golden robes and smile radiantly to children, but the technology which “she” uses is indistinguishable from that of gods and goddesses of other tongues and garb; it is also indistinguishable from the phenomenon surrounding the UFO phenomenon.”

Ingo Swann and Jacques Vallée were colleagues. Vallée was brought in as a consultant by Russell Targ and Dr. Hal Puthoff during the development of remote viewing at SRI. Vallée said he “oriented” Swann toward the idea of using the coordinates approach to RV. Ingo then developed coordinate remote viewing (CRV) into a mature protocol. He later trained Vallée in the use of CRV.

In this book, Swann maintains a measured approach. He simply marches out the facts as they are known within the historical record. He covers 22 apparitions Marian apparitions. He fills in the details of the times and provides us with a background of what life was like in the location where the B.V.M appeared. He then describes details of the apparitions and the lasting effects they had on the “seers” and the local people, and how the events altered history — and they arguably did so — significantly.

Our Lady of Guadalupe (Public Domain image)

He begins with the famous apparition of what came to be known as the Our Lady of Guadalupe which occurred in 1531. It occurred on Tepeyac Hill in what is now Mexico City. It was 10 years after Hernando Cortez conquered the Aztec empire. Mexico City was formerly the Aztec capital city called Tenochtitlan.

The apparition appeared to an indigenous Aztec man who adopted the name Juan Diego after the Spanish conquest of his homeland. His birth name was Cuauhtlatoatzin (Talking Eagle). Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin was later canonized as a saint of the Catholic faith. Our Lady of Guadalupe remains a major figure of worship in Mexico today but also has a reputation that spans the globe among Catholics.

Ingo Swann then takes us down the road of history providing the details of the major Marian apparitions that have occurred across the centuries. Each story is deliciously fascinating.  Swann understands that what he’s writing about is already so sensational, there is little need for him to embellish, over-analyze or burden us with commentary.

Like many people, I’ve long been familiar with the apparition phenomenon. Just about everyone likely knows about the famous events at Lourdes in France and the mind-blowing happenings at Fatima in Portugal.

But after reading the details of each event as laid out by Swann, I realize I only had a gist about what really happened. I found the intricate details of each case to be vexing, stunning, uncanny and … and … I don’t know, just difficult to wrap my mind around! I also learned why Ingo Swann may have been inspired to write a book — he was present at a Marian apparition himself!

St. Robert Bellarmine Roman Catholic Church, Bayside, New York.

He took part in the incredible events of Bayside, New York, a neighborhood in the borough of Queens. The principal seer was Veronica Lueken, a Catholic housewife and mother of five who began having visions of the B.V.M. inside her Bayside home in April of 1970. The subsequent public apparitions would take place on the grounds of the St. Robert Bellarmine Roman Catholic Church.

The Bayside apparitions drew thousands of people but were never sanctioned or accepted by The Church. That didn’t stop throngs of believers from gathering around Mrs. Lueken when she experienced raptures and reported to the eager masses the messages being delivered to her by Mary. These communications were often bizarre, apocalyptic and smacked heavily of wacky conspiracy theories — subjects which most agreed a simple woman like Mrs. Lueken could not have concocted of her own mind.

A fascinating aspect of the Bayside apparitions were Polaroid photographs. The Lady herself instructed Lueken to tell her followers to bring cameras. People were instructed to snap random photos by pointing the camera in any direction. Remember, this was long before digital imaging technology. Most people were using Polaroid instant cameras which ejected prints that self-developed in minutes.


These, The Lady said, would reveal proof that a genuine heavenly presence was among them. In one instance, Swann stood next to a woman who snapped a picture that showed “dozens of little angels.”

Swann offered her $200 on the spot for the picture! She refused!

I found THE GREAT APPARITIONS OF MARY to be among the most fascinating and absorbing books I’ve read in years. The fact that it was written by the great and iconic Ingo Swann is icing on the cake.

Keep in mind that this is a book with no religious axe to grind. It’s not a promotional vehicle for Catholic theology. Ingo lays out the facts for his readers with objectivity — but also with just a smattering of the insights that only the special intellect and perspective of Ingo Swann can deliver.


NOTE: For more stories like this, please see: KEN-ON-MEDIUM.

2 thoughts on “Ingo Swann & the Physics of the BVM (Blessed Virgin Mary)”

  1. Hi! I’m an italian ufologist of National Ufologic Center of Italy, I have been investigating over Virgin Mary apparitions and ufo phenomenon for years. I wrote a book available on “Ufos and alien contacts in Christian history” I keep conference explaining this big deception against mankind


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