UFO Thought Leaders Share Opinions on New Jersey Drone Flap

By KEN KORCZAK A selection of commentary on the recent “drone swarm” phenomenon and what leading UFO experts are saying about it As a freshly minted new year rolls out, it’s time to pause and take stock of what turned out to be arguably the biggest UFO story of 2024— even though it may or … Read more

UFOs: They “Defy Language” The Journey of Greg Bishop

By KEN KORCZAK Ufologist Greg Bishop takes us on a strange journey into the multifaceted weirdness of the paranormal Greg Bishop is a long-standing UFO warrior who got sucked into the bizarre vortex of ufology when he was just a boy. Somewhere between the ages of eight and 10, he started checking out books on paranormal … Read more

The Progenitors: Naval Intelligence Officer’s UFO Encounters Sets Off Journey to “Initiation”

By KEN KORCZAK 16-year U.S. Navy veteran Matthew Roberts confronts transhuman intelligence and embarks on a remarkable quest for meaning The author tells us that he wrote this book “out of love for mankind.” What puts weight behind this lofty statement is that MATTHEW ROBERTS felt it necessary to jettison his 16-year career in the U.S. Navy — … Read more

A UFO Book Unlike Any Other

By KEN KORCZAK Sometimes groovy, always profound, a Minnesota author’s account of his encounter with the people and culture of ufology creates an American classic Perhaps there’s no better line to describe the extraordinary journey of Martin Keller: “What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been.” Yes, that’s the title of an iconic compilation album by … Read more

1952: The Year UFO Disinformation Became Entrenched Government Policy

By KEN KORCZAK Government UFO deception began immediately after the Roswell Daily Record boldly reported the capture of a “flying saucer” in July 1947. But it was 1952 that government secrecy and misinformation became a formal & hardened policy of the U.S. Military and government. Just last May, the UFO community lost a giant. Dr. … Read more

Reptilian Encounter of Michigan Woman a Relentlessly Weird Story

By KEN KORCZAK Author Nancy Tremaine has solid witnesses, historical records and key data points to bolster her claims of lifetime alien and reptilian alien interactions. * * * *  THE LATE journalist Jim Marrs, who wrote bestselling books about UFOs and sundry conspiracy theories, described something he called the “mental boggle point.” That’s the point when … Read more

A UFO Manifesto: The Phenomenon Evolves

By KEN KORCZAK “The most we can do is dream the myth outward and give it a modern dress.” — Carl Gustav Jung That quote by the great Swiss psychologist Carl Jung crashed into my mind as I was reading For All We Know: A UFO Manifesto. It’s Mike Fiorito’s latest book, which in many ways, defies … Read more

UFOs & Nukes: A Medical Doctor’s Impassioned Plea to Ban Nukes and Disclose UFO Reality

By KEN KORCZAK Here is what I suggest you do first: Zoom in on the book cover pictured at right until it fills your entire screen. Next, put your nose up to your screen so that your whole vision is filled with the roiling nuclear blast that is engulfing that poor city in the near … Read more