The River of Time: Physicists & Engineers Say They Have Established Afterlife Communications

Is this what a communication platform might look like as it exists in the Afterlife? At least two research groups, one in Luxembourg and another in Spain, say they are in ongoing communication with a facility called “Timestream Station” and “The River of Time” respectively. (AI art. Prompts by KEN KORCZAK)


A former senior diplomat and a cadre of scientists claim they now can communicate with the dead via a sophisticated “Timestream Station”

What if a group of people who died got together in their Afterlife abode and formed a club?

Let’s say they decided to call their new group “The River of Time.” The purpose of this organization would be to find new ways to build a regular and reliable two-way communication system with people still alive back on Earth.

Because this system uses empirical science, electronics and technological gadgetry on the Earth side — and purely nontechnological “spiritual” or “psychic” or “consciousness” energies on the Afterlife Side — the blending of these elements would bear vast potential to transform our society!

Indeed, it sounds like an excellent premise for a science-fiction/fantasy novel with more than a few compelling plot implications.

But wait a minute!

This is not fiction. It’s happening right now — for real!

For the past century, some of the world’s most brilliant minds and innovative thought leaders have been making steady progress in establishing a bilateral communications system between the living and the dead. Today this two-way communication effort is known as EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) and ITC (Instrumental Trans-Communication).


Anabela Cardoso, Ph.D. Image source.

It’s fair to say that the leading figure in this effort at present is Anabela Cardoso, Ph.D., a former top-level and senior diplomat of the Portuguese government. Perhaps it is appropriate that a person with advanced skills in building communication channels between different nations and cultures is now humanity’s de facto “ambassador to the dead.”

Several years ago, Cardoso jettisoned her lucrative career as a globe-traveling emissary. She fielded exciting assignments in India, Japan, France and the United States to devote all her time to EVP and ITC. (From here I will use these terms interchangeably.)

EVP is the science of using electronic devices, such as special radios and various recorders, to capture “voices of the dead.” In my previous article, I provided a history and outline of EVP which began not long after the first phonographic recording device was invented in 1877 by Thomas Edison.

Note: If you feel you need to catch up with everything you need to know about EVP, see my article HERE. However, you don’t need to read that article to follow what you are reading right now.


The science of EVP (and it is a science) has since gone far beyond capturing snippets of voices and phrases from deceased people.

Deep dive explorers like Cardoso and her colleagues have established robust and meaningful two-way communications between the living and the dead. This effort is driving a wealth of information flowing between our 3D dimension of physical reality and a nonphysical realm composed of energy, mind and consciousness.

After working with various EVP methods for some two decades, Anabela Cardoso has forged a consistent partnership with a group on the Other Side that calls itself Rio do Temporo, Portuguese for “The River of Time.” Why her contacts in the Afterlife would choose such a name is curious and fascinating in itself. That’s because the true nature of time is laden with thorny ontological implications and has bedeviled physicists and philosophers alike for centuries.

Indeed, the entities of The River of Time often say that “time is an illusion.” Yet, they also suggest that humanity must “evolve in the way it thinks about time” and even must strive to “master time.

I won’t get into more detail on the time issue here, except to mention that another group working on EVP in Luxembourg has regular contact with a group called “Zeitstrom Station.” Zeitstrom is Swiss German for “Timestream,” so “Timestream Station.”

So — there’s that “time thing” again!

The elite cadre of EVP communicators with the Luxembourg group — physicists, psychologists, electrical engineers & more — has established remarkable and clear communications with their counterparts based in Timestream Station.

Anabela Cardoso, in her 2021 book, Glimpses of Another World, shares an example of an amazing message from a Timestream Station member. Specifically, it was the 19th Century French chemist Henri Sainte-Claire Deville, who was speaking from the Timestream platform:

“My name is Henri Sainte-Claire Deville. I left your world in 1881, and I am speaking to you in my name and in the name of our staff from LIFELINE, the scientists. Your project as well as (those) from LIFELINE and from TIMESTREAM is to set fire to minds, to set fire to minds in your world, and in that moment to try to master time. I can give you a few explanations. The void dreams the universe, but the void is unconscious … “ (Cardoso, Glimpses of Another World, Page 40).

French chemist Henri Sainte-Claire Deville. (1818–1881)

The message continues for several more pages. Incidentally, this communication was received via something called DRV, Direct Radio Voice. This is when the voices of the Afterlife speakers emerge directly from a radio receiver in real time, rather than being captured on a recording medium and played back later. Cardoso reports that she has often engaged in real-time conversations with The River of Time through a radio receiver device while simultaneously getting information via direct psychic transfer into her mind from her counterparts in the Afterlife.

Cardoso said that she has communicated with people she knew personally while alive, such as her father, along with famous people, such as Sainte-Claire Deville and many other significant historical figures. Furthermore, some of the entities are “non-human” intelligences that have never manifested as living people in our material world. She refers to some of them as “wise and advanced beings.”

Cardoso has even communicated with some of her dearly beloved and deceased dogs. And get this: The messages she gets from her dogs come in the form of spoken words. What they mainly say is: “I love you!”

Cardoso has long been an advocate of animal welfare. In her current home near Vigo, Spain, she established a shelter for dogs and other animals. For years, she has engaged in strenuous and ongoing efforts to rescue abandoned and suffering animals. She is well known for being a fierce advocate for the proper treatment of the four-legged friends that share our Earth-bound existence.


Okay, so Cardoso and her many colleagues have opened a channel with operatives in the Afterlife and now have decades of experience communicating messages back and forth. Furthermore, as I explained in my previous article, EVP has now been around for more than a century.

One may well ask questions such as:

–> What has been the result?

–> What progress has been made?

–> What benefits have been realized?

–> Has the information been useful in a practical sense?

–> Has speaking with the dead been transformational for our science and philosophy?

–> What will be the result of EVP efforts going forward?

–> Can the transitioned souls of the Afterlife do anything to help us here in our troubled world which seems to grow more frightening year by year with a range of serious problems, from the threat of planet-wide ecological disaster to hot wars, economic strife, political turmoil and pandemics?

Well, after reading two of Cardoso’s books and the books of other leaders in the EVP field — including that of Friedrich JürgensonKonstantin RaudiveD. Scott RogoRaymond Bayless and dozens of issues of the ITC Journal — I can tell you that all the questions I’ve listed are exceedingly difficult to answer.

For what it’s worth, here are some of my key takeaways from my comprehensive survey of the EVP literature:


The EVP effort has provided some of the best proof yet that we all survive death and that we live on in the Afterlife. That it itself can be considered transformational. If a significant percentage of the global population comes to accept this, it bears the potential to alter all aspects of our science, philosophy and religious activities here on Earth.


In Glimpses of Another World, Cardoso states that thousands of people have already received the invaluable gift of knowing with certainty that their deceased loved ones are not “dead” at all. Those lost to us here have transitioned to a new form of existence that is happier, less troubled and more joyful, but also replete with new and different kinds of challenges.

In other words, the Afterlife is not boring nor some kind of “eternal reward” or even a cakewalk. In this new phase of living, each individual is challenged in new ways to achieve further growth and move forward with the evolution of their consciousness. The latter is part of what seems to drive the efforts of The River of Time and Timestream Station.


Despite all the progress that has been made and the many thrilling concepts and stories that fall out of EVP, my impression is that this is a field with a potential that is not yet close to being fully realized.


Cardoso time and again in her books speaks to the deeply gratifying and mind-expanding personal benefits to the people who diligently strive to engage in communication with personalities and “other types of entities” in the Afterlife — or whatever we should call this alternate dimension of reality.

She quotes “The Father of EVP,” Friedrich Jürgenson:

“Ignorant humanity stands before an invisible abyss, before a cruel emptiness “from which no one has yet returned,” as the popular saying goes, a heart filled with terror, grief and fear. And now a dead person speaks clearly with his old, dear voice clearly and always repeatable on tape — in spite of infarct, cremation and that small pile of ashes … this realization filled my entire being with boundless, exuberant joy.”

Despite the progress that has been made, in a recent interview Cardoso expressed dismay that EVP and ITC research has not enjoyed a lot of momentum in recent years. Even though EVP has gone mainstream as it has been embraced by thousands of so-called “ghost hunters” — groups of ordinary, everyday people who pursue “haunted location investigations” as a hobby.

Today, Facebook and other social media platforms are brimming with ghost-hunting clubs, podcasters, webcasters and more. They deploy an array of off-the-shelf radio & recording gadgetry (the selling of which is now big business) as they pursue contact with “the dead,” and “spirits” because it’s an absorbing hobby — but it is also serious investigation, for some.

Whatever the case, EVP is here to stay. Based on my review of the literature, I believe it holds exciting potential to bring transformation change to the very fundamentals of our sciences, philosophies and worldview.


NOTE: For more stories about Afterlife research, please see: KEN-ON-MEDIUM

2 thoughts on “The River of Time: Physicists & Engineers Say They Have Established Afterlife Communications”

  1. Hi, Ken… I very much appreciate your writing in general, and I enjoyed this article. I invite you to watch my 95-minute documentary, CALLING EARTH, which covers EVP and ITC (audio and visual) and features many of the people who have been involved in this area of research for decades. You can see it at and there’s a 5-minute trailer at

    You may also enjoy my new book, A New Science of the Afterlife: Space Time and the Consciousness Code.

    Keep up the good work!

    Best wishes,

    Daniel Drasin

    • Daniel, thank you for your kind comments. Also, many thanks for posting a link to your excellent film about EVP and ITC. I’ve viewed it before (and more than once), and I believe it is among the best, if not THEE BEST, documentaries on this topic. I encourage all of my readers here to view your film. Cheers, Daniel, and have a wonderful day!


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